Bud Williams Stockmanship and Livestock Marketing

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Bud Williams Stockmanship
Eunice Williams
883 E 505th Road
Aldrich, MO 65601

Category: Bud’s Musings

What Happened and Why

The purpose of this website is not to complain about the government or about how difficult things are. The government is what it is and if enough people don’t like it they can vote it out. Things are not difficult. It is so much better and easier than the past there

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Not the answer he was looking for

Question:   Your post on “Where the Cattle are” was very interesting and got me thinking. . . .  I know virtually nothing about marketing goats or the various classes of these animals or much of anything else about them.  I guess my question is; can you make suggestions for learning

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 We live in a great country and had a form of government that was very good.  A government that gave the people a lot of freedom. While most people want freedom very few really understand or appreciate it.  Freedom gives people the opportunity to be as great as they want

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Comments from Australia

Hello Eunice & Bud, Thank you for the subscription password, I got on and had a look and have  written a bit which may be a bit strong for you to add to your site, I will let you be the judge of that !! I don’t aim to stirr

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Livestock Handling Scoring System

I just received a phone call from a very good friend who lives in Australia. He is one of the best stockmen I have ever known. He had been to a field day that was put on by a Professor of Animal Science from a U. S. University. This person

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My Marketing Philosophy

I was just asked what influenced or what helped me develop the marketing philosophy that I practice. At the schools I try to tell stories that can help people understand better what is being explained.  These stories are all true  but people don’t always remember them exactly the way they

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What it Takes to be a Good Teacher

There are many people teaching but only a very few understand what it takes to be a really good teacher.  First, the person must understand the subject thoroughly, know how it works and also how it fits with other parts of the subject that is being taught. Most teachers of

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There are three things the livestock industry has problems with, they are: Grass Management Stockmanship Marketing What I mean by “problem” is that they are not being done very well by most people. Probably the biggest problem is finding someplace to learn how to do them better. The Universities are

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Skill is the ability to do something really well. This is nearly lost in our society today. Everyone is in such a hurry that very few will take the time to develop or learn the skill needed to do a good job. Today, people want to make lots of money

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In Northern California in 1955 there was still at least one person who was raising pasture pigs and finishing them on acorns. He would breed about 50 sows to have pigs in February and March. In April, he would go into the mountains with the sows and their pigs. The

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