Bud Williams Stockmanship and Livestock Marketing

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Bud Williams Stockmanship
Eunice Williams
883 E 505th Road
Aldrich, MO 65601

Category: Herding

Swiss Sheepherder

October 5 I received this wonderful email: Dear Eunice This summer was the third summer I spent with a flock of ~700 sheep in the Swiss Alps. Thanks to all your wisdom that you make available online I learnt fast and the last months were such a pleasure to work

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Settling Livestock

Most people who are wanting to learn how to place animals in such a way that they will stay, put too much emphasis on “settling” them after they get there. Please read “Question About Placing Animals” in Bud’s March 15, 2012 posting where he emphasizes the importance of driving them

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“Placing” Animals on a Small Acrerage

Question:   Is it possible to place sheep and cattle on small acreage and have them stay in the areas you want grazed. We have 137 acres and about 10 cows. We are also interested in sheep, and just wondered on this size place if Bud’s handling methods would allow us

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Question About “Placing” Animals

Question: . . . . I moved a little bunch of cows from one pasture to another the other day. I moved em like I think Bud would. I gathered em first then just stay moving across them from behind and steered by moving out wider if the need arose.

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"Placing" Cattle

To answer your questions: First, I want to tell you that it is possible to place livestock in an area and have them stay there. They will even go out for water and return to the area on their own. I have done this with cattle, sheep and reindeer. The

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My Two-cents Worth

To expand on Bud’s statement about placing livestock and have them stay where you want them to without the use of fences: The traditional way of driving livestock is to get behind them and force or frighten them to move away, hopefully in the direction you want them to go.

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I have been asked to give my opinion about the feasibility of herding livestock in open range conditions. I have been involved in this type of livestock work for a good many years and consider it not only possible, but preferable, under many conditions, to using fences to control the

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From Zimbabwe

Here is an excerpt from a letter I received from Zimbabwe, Africa. “…..Cows calving at a good pace, but my ‘friends,’ the leopard and cheetah are still trying and in some cases causing havoc with the new born calves. Still pursuing with your principals of handling cattle with the emphasis

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How Long?

Yes, Allan, you are correct in saying the herder should be able to just go to the herd once a day, start them grazing in the desired direction or move them to a new area and settle them there and then leave. But, probably anyone who is vitally interested in

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Roughly Correct

Thanks for sending me Bud’s comments on herding. I am particularly interested in the idea of placing cattle where you want them. The way I understand it, Bud works with the cattle by moving them around and getting them to trust him in so far as not penetrating the flight

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