. . . My oldest boy Lance met Bud at Cheyenne school and is now insisting that I attend also. Yesterday we caught 40 head of heifers and sorted out 4 head for pink eye in what had to be one of the most enjoyable days that I recall of
. . . My oldest boy Lance met Bud at Cheyenne school and is now insisting that I attend also. Yesterday we caught 40 head of heifers and sorted out 4 head for pink eye in what had to be one of the most enjoyable days that I recall of
. . . At the last school I attended Bud mentioned using a sharper angle when working with gentle cattle. On Monday after the school I moved a set of very gentle cows ( almost no flight zone). I approached the cows at a very sharp angle and only moved
My husband . . . and I recently attended your course in Bowie. I hadn’t had a chance to write to you to let you know how much we enjoyed it, I have not ever felt more positive, de-stressed and enthusiastic about our ranching situation . . . Well last
Hello Eunice and Bud, you probably don’t remember me, I was part of a Cattle Handling School back in 2000 at Grant County Feeders in Ulysses, KS. I was the Head Doctor back then, since that time I have been using Bud’s techniques handling cattle in US and in Mexico
. . . We have a backgrounding lot here in Iowa and things now have been going great. We thought we were pretty decent before at handling cattle. Since going to your class and implementing your ideas it has been fantastic. The cattle respond easily and are a joy to
Eunice: I just wanted to pass on to you and Bud how helpful everything I learned from youall has been. I thought I was pretty good at sorting & herding but it is absolutely amazing how much improvement I’ve seen in both. Cattle have remained extremely calm after sorting and
Greetings from New Mexico. Just wanted to let you know we have been rotating the bison at Cimarron, using only our horses and have been having great success. Randy and I have implemented Bud’s teachings and the bison respond very well. The bison have baby calves on the ground, and
It has been just over a year now since we started using the handling facility that you helped me with. I am dropping you a line and sending a few clips of it in operation. Working with animals in it is nothing short of a joy. My son [9-years old]
. . . I really enjoyed learning from you and Bud at the 71 ranch and am already seeing results. I loaded a bull in the trailer on foot out in the middle of the range using what you and Bud taught. I’ve also modified our sheep corrals and they
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