Testimonials before 2009
2008, Alberta Canada—Bud Williams Stockmanship schools or Marketing schools are tremendous. This has been said to me by all that have attended. They repay the dollars invested many times over. Comments from some of the most respected people I know have been that they set you up for a life of changed ways with which you manage animals more easily and buy/sell animals or commodities more profitably.
2008, Kansas— . . . . the kids and I observed a bunch of men trying to push cattle into a portable corral. It was hilarious but sad to watch—men waving arms and probably shouting, cattle shooting out of the group back into the pasture as they were pushed too hard…..you get the picture. We all wished we could have pulled off the road and watched some more (since we knew our input or help would not be appreciated). Nevertheless, I enjoyed hearing all the kids’ comments on how Bud would have done it and on what things the men were doing incorrectly!! All from a 15, 13, 10 and almost 8 year old!
2008, Arkansas—Time has really flown by since I last visited you. It has meant so much to my life to have the opportunity to learn from both of you. The skills Bud has taught me are part of every day for me, and the changes in the way the cattle handle and the work gets done have made my work enjoyable and interesting.
2008, Oklahoma—I can’t go anywhere without being bombarded with negative attitude [See Bud’s Musing “Good News”]. Thank You again for teaching me to look for opportunity! Life is good on my farm, profit is up, and the feed and drug dealers think I’m out-of-business but wonder why there are cattle everywhere. Everybody at the sale barn, coffee shop and coop sure hope it works out for me buying cattle during this crisis. I’m sure they walk away and think to themselves “what an idiot.” I don’t mind. You and I both know profit has been taken the second I buy’em!!!!!! Look at these trades!
Sold 785# plain heifers for $94, bought back super good 594# heifers at $81.29 with a .92 BPCOG. $80 per head excess PROFIT!
But wait, there’s more
Sold 799# steers for $100.25, bought back those undesirable, all black, big framed bawling bulls at $81.01 with a BPCOG of 1.05
Drum roll please. That’s $128 per head excess PROFIT!! Plus $11 built in. $139 dollars per head in this crisis. By the way, it was a 68-day turn.
Wall Street is down what 30% or 40%?
Return on investment on the bulls (I may need help here) $700 initial cost. $139 profit does this equal 19% ROI? [Sure does, in 68 days!]
Thanks again, the marketing plus the stockmanship give me the confidence to smile, turn off the TV and Radio and enjoy working cattle with my family on our farm.
2008, Oklahoma—I had the privilege to attend a cattle meeting sponsored by the beloved Pfizer Co (who thinks I have been cheating on them) in lovely Amarillo TX last week. I’m always up for learning something, so I went. How do you say it? AAARRRGGGHHH! The first speaker, a vet on Pfizer payroll, was OK but he kept telling us how we were going to have to deal with sick cattle. No one mentioned the healthy ones! It was all about pulling, and hospital management. Stress was never mentioned! I was too afraid to ask why they were having sick cattle. One older guy in the back bragged as he told us how he had a pen rider that could tell the second a calf come off the truck that he was going to get sick. I couldn’t help it, it flew out of my mouth. I said, “yeah, that pen rider just killed that calf when he said that.” I realized this room full of feedlot boys was now looking at me with a confused look. The vet looked at me and asked, “Do what?” I repeated what I said and then another guy changed the subject. I guess it was the “Bud” coming out of me. At the break, another guy walked up and told me that he sat there the rest of that session and thought about what I said and told me I was exactly right. I didn’t drink the cool aid they were serving.
I also didn’t learn to keep my mouth shut. Next was the one and only Cattle Fax presentation. We looked at about twenty-seven thousand charts from the cattle cycle to a point graph of the color of the mood ring of the South Korean trade head duck. Two and half hours of the meaningless garbage and the young man with his tie said, and I am not kidding, “It just boils down too, you just got to buy’em right.” Without thinking I blurt out, “that’s the only thing you said all day that makes sense!” I wanted to crawl under the table because I was once again I was the focus of everyone’s attention. A few started laughing and the speaker went on with his brilliance on loosing money feeding cattle that he admitted to.
Thanks Ann and Bud, I have now been banned from Pfizer producer meetings. And again, thank you so much for opening my eyes to profit and good stockmanship. I appreciate Pfizer and their products, but it is so hard to sit through their meeting now.
Monte Tucker, Sweetwater, OK
Monte and Danielle Tucker with Bud and I at the Independence, Kansas school in April
Note from Eunice: Some people have asked us if the drug companies hate us because people using our methods use less drugs. Actually, this isn’t the case. We have talked to some of the “big shots” in the animal pharmaceutical business, and they are very pleased that “our people” who use their vaccines don’t have the incidence of vaccine failures that others have and the sick cattle that “our people” treat with their drugs, get well.
2008, Oklahoma—I attended the seminar at Independence, KS and tried some of Bud’s methods on my cousin’s cows. I simply moved them from one pen to another, and one of the first things he said was, “Look at how calm they are. They are already eating.” He then asked me if I could move some calves. One of them was a little spooked, and he took off (I forgot to work with him first). I didn’t chase him, and he came back after I had moved the other calves. He started to take off, and I walked parallel with him and just like you all said, he stopped and went back. He then walked to the other calves. My cousin was impressed. He has been around cattle all his life. I, on the other hand, have only been around cattle for the past year or so. He asked me if I would be interested in helping him the next time he has to move cattle. . . .
2007, Montana— . . . I was a student of your marketing school in Great Falls MT in 2004, following the marketing school I convinced my brother and son to attend your stockmanship school in Miles City MT also in 2004. I wish to thank you for teaching your techniqes to the livestock producers of North America. We came home from your stockmanship school and immediatly started implementing what you taught us. It turns out most of our corral system was a series of “Bud Boxes” and you taught us how to use them correctly. The last three years have been the most enjoyable I have ever had working cattle and sheep. My brother, son and I talk about what you taught us often and hopefully we are continueing to learn and implement low stress stockmanship. We finished and used a partial upgrade on our corrals this fall. The Bud box and chute worked just like you said it would. Again thank you for your dedication to teach better stock handling techniques. It has made a huge difference in our quality of life and profitability of our ranch.
2007, Nebraska—First off I would like to thank both of you for the Life Changing experience. I attended your stockmanship school in Rexburg , Idaho in June of 2005. I have been able to do a lot of things that most people feel are impossible, every once in awhile surprising myself. . . . . . Thanks again. I really wish I could have made a couple more of your schools. After a couple of years of experience and pondering, it is an understatement to say I have a lot of questions. The number one thing that has helped me the most was when I realized that I wasn’t failing, I was learning.
July 2007, Australia—. . . . I am 37 years of age and have spent my childhood and right up until 2 years ago doing all the things with cattle that we are not supposed to do. Words I used while describing stock handling included: make, force, hurry etc. I also had a very hoarse voice at the end of each day. . . . To cut a long story short I have now been through 2 of Jim Lindsay’s Schools and have made it a priority to ensure that as many of our staff as possible can do a school. We now are very privileged to know Jim and Terry as friends and mentors and have been fortunate enough to have been able to visit their property and see what they are doing in person. With their advice we have gone on to do Grazing for Profit, Graduate Link and have just Started Executive Link. We are finally going to be able to do a KLR Marketing school in November this year.
The main reason I wished to contact you was to thank you and Bud for making your extraordinary skills available to us here in Australia through LSS and KLR. It was Jim’s School that was my catalyst for learning, and I have now discovered an insatiable appetite for knowledge. Being someone who was resistant to change, I now realize I squandered the opportunity to have met you when you were in Western Australia a few years back, but at the same time, even though I probably may not ever have the chance to meet I just wanted to let you know your work has had a very positive impact on my life. Thank you once again.
2007, Oklahoma—. . . . I e-mailed you a while back and I had a question about getting my trial dogs to work in the pasture. Well I really appreciate the advice. My dogs are working great in the pasture. I send ‘em and shut up and hey it works. At first it was a little unnerving they were a little uneasy but they have come a long way. I think the hardest thing was to shut my mouth but I have no arguments IT WORKED. I recently took them and lotted 380 head without a hitch. I send ‘em and sit in the truck and shut up and here they come pushing ‘em right along no problem. I can’t put in words how great it has gotten mainly cause my jaw is still stuck to the ground. I’ve also realized that the trialing has gotten better. You really made me sit and think when you said shut up and I’ve come to a conclusion that I’m over handling my dogs. The problem wasn’t my dogs it was me and I realize that now. THANK YOU.
2007, Montana— . . . (I was left) to find and gather 15 missing steers that are somewhere in the 3 section big mountainous pasture. They are especially elusive in the 90+ degree temps, so I ride when it’s cooler and hopefully they are out grazing. I leave the barn at 6 p.m. and ride till dark. I found a bunch of 4 one night and a bunch of 3 the next. After I trail them down off the mountain and through the deep drainages, the route to the next pasture is across a creek as it runs under a railroad trestle, then through a big meadow and gate that leads across the county road and into the corral. Believe me I NEVER would have attempted this before learning from you. Now I take a deep breath and horse and steers remain at a walk and all goes as it should. Then a cool ride home at dusk.
Whew! It’s thrilling to me. Thank you both.
2007, Missouri—. . . . I don’t say thank you enough for all that you both have given me. All the doors you have opened for me, I cannot yet measure. I now do things with livestock a few years ago I would have said there is no way you could do. I’m even hearing stories from . . . ., my almost 16 year old son, that he too is doing things with cattle that the other people have tried and couldn’t do. At any rate, I just wanted to thank you again for everything and most of all that you both are very special people I am very blessed to have met.
2007, Idaho—I was first introduced to Bud’s stockmanship methods while doing a vet school externship in 2004 . . .
When I began learning the basics of his methods, it was like I had found exactly what I had been looking for. I have since shared my limited knowledge of Bud’s methods with my husband who is a dairy veterinarian. He thought I was crazy until he gave it a try out of frustration on a farm call to a place where everyone used a hot shot every time they touched a cow. The results were so fantastic that he has since become a self-described “cattle handling snob” and has little tolerance for those who insist on doing things the conventional way. He has been able to make a huge difference for some of his clients (and their cows!) by teaching them more effective ways of livestock handling. . .
At this time, my daily job involves little in the way of cattle. Small animal practice is hopefully a temporary stop in my career. In the meantime, our newly seeded pasture is coming along nicely and I will be purchasing some calves to begin practicing my newly acquired knowledge of the Bud Williams Marketing Method! I attended the Boise school in March. Ann was wonderful! I have been about to bust with excitement since the school, but I have to have grass before I can buy calves to sell and replace at a profit! Feedlot consulting is my eventual career goal so in efforts toward that end I am trying to further educate myself so I can be of maximum benefit to my future clients. I hope to make your acquaintance someday, but if that doesn’t happen I’d like to say thank you for sharing your collective wealth of knowledge. It has made a huge difference for me and will hopefully do the same for clients of mine and my husband’s, both present and future.
2007, Big Bend National Park— In early March 2007, Bud & I spent a few days at The Big Bend National Park at the invitation of Dave Van Inwagen, Whit Hibbard and Samantha Schroeder. Whit and Samantha attended a Stockmanship School a couple of years ago and convinced the Park executives that there is a better way to corral and remove the trespass livestock that come into the park from Mexico. Bud & I spent a day and a half touring the park and seeing the problem areas first hand, then put on a half-day presentation for about 20 park employees. We received this telephone message a couple of days after we got home:
Phone message received from Whit Hibbard March 8, 2007
Do you remember where we had lunch last Saturday? . . . Samantha and I were on our way home from there, when we spotted 5 critters, 4 horses and a mule. Within an hour Sam & I walked them into the catch pen, called for a trailer, caught them up and hauled them home. That was pretty cool, we just did what you told us to do and it worked great. Now the people are all excited about getting down into the lower canyon to see what we can do. . . . .
E-mail message received March 9, 2007
There’s two things I neglected to mention in my phone message regarding the horse capture.
First, the trespass livestock coordinator and his day-hire from area ranches have tried off-and-on for years to capture those horses without success.
Second, if it had not been for your talk last Sunday I would not have even attempted to do it on foot. I’d have waited and come back the next day with park horses in the hopes of finding them (unlikely) and rounding them up, but your talk gave both me and Samantha the confidence to just go ahead and do it. Actually, I suspect it was easier on foot than it would’ve been on horseback because the horses had been chased before by horsebackers, but not footsters! I’ve attached a photo for your interest.
Addition on March 21:
On the 10th, they brought in another group of horses; on the 18th they brought in a nice bunch of cattle.
2007, Missouri —Tuesday morning I went to gather my cow/calf pairs at the place we had specifically discussed during our visit . . . . Using a 4-wheeler, I mobbed them up and drove them through two gateways, across a troublesome ditch, around the pond and with no hesitation walked them into the corral (about 1 mile). No hazing fences and with my pickup and trailer parked smack in the way. Once in the corral, Jessica proceeded to sort the 75 cows by herself, leaving the calves. I ran the gate and kept the cows from coming back in. Getting them in by myself with no accouterments is an absolute first for anyone. Oh, yes, and that bull that likes to keep the cows from going in was quite content to walk in right with them. All animals remained absolutely quiet. Thanks so much for all your guidance and direction!
2007, Australia—After logging onto your site the other night I spent a bit of time reading the pages on dogs; it was terrific. Tonight I let Reg work as you suggested, and that little dog that seemed not to be any good worked like a true champ. By the time we finished she had a grin from ear to ear. Thank you for taking the blinkers off and stopping me from confusing the hound; we both appreciate it very much!
2006, Montana—Since attending your class 3 years ago or so I have since been hired on as the foreman. I must say I have never gone to a class as useful as yours. It has totally change our way of handling livestock from the cattle to the sheep. I really enjoy moving 2 – 3- 4 hundred yearlings– pairs– or what ever by my self and with my dog. It gave me a whole new understanding of the livestock and has resulted in less labor and much less stress for the livestock and the people working them. We now settle our calves at weanig which was unheard of around here, and now we are trying” fence line weaning” Last year we did 300 that way. This year we are trying 900! Anyway, you and Bud have opened the doors for alot of new things around here. Thank you.
P.S. We built a “Bud” Box going on to our scales—It works Great!
October 9, 2006: I received this message on the telephone answering machine this morning—
Hello, Eunice? This is – – – – – – . It’s about a quarter to eleven, east coast time here on Monday morning. I was one of the three young men that were at your school over the weekend. I just wanted to call and give you all a success story.
We had had two cows up here for a neighbor of mine that we had been trying to rope now for about two weeks. I went up there this morning and walked one of them in. I’m going to give the other one a break, I’ll go up and walk it in after lunch. I just wanted to call and report to you.
2006, Texas—. . . . I am a park ranger at Big Bend National Park during the winter. One of my assignments there is to round up trespass livestock (burros, horses, and cattle) from Mexico. I wanted to report to you that I employed your low-stress livestock handling methods with considerable effectiveness this past winter. In fact, I captured two different groups of burros (8 in one and 6 in the other) that the park’s trespass livestock coordinator had failed to capture with local cowboys using traditional methods. In fact, he concluded that they were so wild that the only way to catch them was through “direct reduction,” a great government euphemism for shooting. We also employ your techniques on the ranch with cattle and sheep with great effectiveness, whether we’re gathering, trailing, loading trucks, working them in the corrals and alleys, or moving them through the scale or squeeze chute. We get twice as much done with half the people in half the time and with little or no stress. Thanks for your great work.
2006, Australia—Thank you Bud and Eunice for a life changing two days at your workshop in early April. It was such a wonderful privilege and honour to have met you. When I got home, I went and practiced what you taught and blow me down, my Aussie cows even understand Texan. Brilliant it was. So simple to move them wherever I wanted and through any gate.
2005, Wyoming—[This is an e-mail from one of our students who helped move a diary herd into a new milking facility.] The dairy cow job was a lot of work. The facility designers said it was their best break-in ever. The owners were told that they would see a 50 percent decrease in milk production the first few days. Total milk production was down only 2 pounds total per cow the first 2 milkings and normal after that.
2005, Australia—[This is part of a letter we received from one of the men involved in “Low Stress Stockhandling- Australia”. Check their web site from our Links page.] G’day Bud and Eunice, I have been thinking of you guys lately, especially after spending last week in the feedlot . . . . We had a great week with the crew, who started off really resisting all that we were saying and making up reasons why it could not work for them . . . . . We were able to spend some time with the induction crew each day, showing how to work without sticks, electric prodder and yelling and screaming and using the crowd gate to jam them in. On a good day before we came they were able to process 400 head before lunch. Well on Friday they stopped for lunch saying they were working much slower, yet when they looked at the processing computer it showed they had done over 450 head . . . . .
2005, Texas—I am extremely excited to have found your website. I found out about you through The Stockdog Magazine. I have a 2-year old Border Collie female. . . . .Having no experience with the Border Collie I sent her back to the breeder for training. I have just recently begun questioning the wisdom in that. After reading articles about you philosophy on dog training, the light came on. I had problems calling her off before, but just one outing having her work just a little longer than she wanted had her racing to me after hearing, “That’ll do.” She is still watching me, waiting for all those commands that I had not mastered, but I am sure before long our trust in each other will grow and she can begin working like she can naturally, without my “interference.”
2005, Texas—Well, I couldn’t hardly wait for the one and one-half hour car ride home [from the Stockmanship School] to pass so I could check out the new “tricks” Bud taught us today. As soon as I got to the ranch I decided to move a 30 head heard from a front to back pasture. WOW! I couldn’t believe it worked the first time I tried it. I have a couple of cows that were former show cows that didn’t feel pressured until I reached out and touched them on the back but that got them moving. After that, they moved without me getting as close. In the past, I have always had to use the feedbag to get them going. Also, my bull was not happy with what I was doing at first but he eventually “joined the crowd”. When I came back two hours later, they were in the same place that I left them. I was elated to say the least. I know this was a very simple task but I was surprised at the instant progress. Thank you so much for the advice and your hospitality the last two days.
2005, Oklahoma— Thanks again for hosting a great school. Each time I come back, I see so much more. And realize how little I use. On Monday after class, my neighbor had two bull calves to bring in and was worried how he would ever get them in. These were freshly weaned 650# angus calves and the only pen in the pasture was 12′ x 10′. Bringing them to the pen their owner was amazed. After losing all movement at the pen, we lost them. Thinking about it while taking a “Bud walk” to get them up again, I remembered Bud saying, “in a difficult situation, load from the front”. After convincing the owner not to pressure them, at all, from the back; I was able to load them all in the pen, sort everything back except what we wanted, and load the two in a trailer. The fun part was there were 16 of these little bulls. Might not be headlines for Bud, but I was tickled. Thanks, thanks, and thanks again for giving up on the retirement. Great class.
2005, Pennsylvania— . . . To me, who have participated in my share of sheep “rodeos”, it was thrilling to move these animals to where they were supposed to be and do it without panic striking me or the animals! My children are entertained by my intense interest in the Stockmanship video. All they see is an everyday guy in front of a chalkboard and a roomful of ranchers. I recognize it as rare and valuable information. The whole concept of reducing sickness and improving performance by relieving stress on animals is wonderful and in practical terms is worth $$$. Thanks for teaching and making this information available to those few of us who recognize the importance and value of good stockmanship.
2004, Missouri—I just wanted to send a note to tell you how well cattle seem to work for me recently. Last Saturday Tina and I went down to the herd, and I said let’s just cut out the 13 calves that I wanted to wean and leave the rest in the pasture. I worked around and separated out the 13 calves, and with 5 cows we set off for the gate. We lost 1 or 2 of the cows on the way to the gate and by the time we got to the barn lot there was only 1 cow left with the calves. We moved out of the gate and slightly pressured the cow and then were no cows left. We weighed and gave blackleg shots without even so much as a ruffle. It was great! I walked the calves, once a day, for three days and now they are content and happy without the mamas.
2004, Wyoming—I have had an opportunity to try the handling techniques that Bud talked about and have seen very positive results. More importantly, it has caused me to pay more attention to what the cattle are telling me with their body language, and I have been learning. One example is a calf that was not eating very well from the bunk. She had lost weight from the time I bought her. When I got home from Coldwater I did what Bud told us to do with animals that wouldn’t go to the bunk. I got her to where she would work for me, go, stop and turn. Then I took her to the back fence and put slight pressure on her. Low and behold she walked right past me and went straight to the bunk where she began eating. Now she is just the same weight as her pen-mates. Getting that calf to eat from the bunk was easy. Without what I learned she would have probably been unmarketable until at least this summer. Now she is ready to go when the market says to sell her and buy back another animal.. . . . . Thank you for all of your help.
2003, Australia—. . . We have a lease in rough gorge country that is covered in pine plantation, and had 74 “feral” murray greys [cattle] that had eluded us, and numerous other wild horseman, for about 12 months. Since your school we have since persuaded all but 4 of them to make for the yards in an orderly fashion, and it has been a revelation. I feel terrible for what we did to them earlier but great now that we can handle this country that everyone told us was unmanageable. We have been able to buy cows now at a cheap price because of the drought and “bush them” into thousands of acres of forest knowing that we can get them back. In fact, one area has no fence at all between there and 250 odd kms to the coast, but the cattle basically stay where we leave them. So thank you both very much.
2003, California—I wanted to share a success story with you. A couple of weeks ago I brought in our yearling cattle to inventory them. We had to sort the heifers from their steer mates. Since you were here I have not been able to get these type of cattle to lay down in the corral. So with the info I learned in San Antonio I put into practice. I found my missing link.
Attitude was what I was missing. Kelly and I went up the evening before and brought them into a small holding field with a pickup and hay. Probably not the right thing but that is what we did. The next morning we went up horse back and gathered them to our corrals. We kept smiles on our faces, laughed, giggled and had all day to get the job done and the cattle responded to it. I used the same sorting technique that you showed us when you were here but this time with a smile and the cattle laid down in the pens we were sorting them into and my day was made when they laid down in the pen we were working in. I was so excited I could hardly stand it!!!! The added bonus was that our horses seem to work better to boot. My dad could hardly believe it. I was on cloud nine and as I write this I feel like I am there again.
2003, Nebraska—I sold my steers on Friday—the computer predicted them to gain 2 lbs/day—they actually gained 2.74 from payweight to payweight for 100 days. I did my best to follow Bud’s concepts—they performed beyond expectations and two severely lame cattle recovered and flourished.
2003, Australia—We are continuing to improve our handling methods with our cattle thanks to you both. One big benefit we are getting is in the eating quality of our beef which we are now marketing as organic direct to butchers and private clients.
2002, July, from a helicopter pilot near Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia—Today I moved a mob of cattle from an extremely badly designed dam and trap paddock. I’ve done this same job 10-12 times over the last 10 years. . . . I would just about turn myself inside out. Once I had a team of horsemen helping as well and still had the same—proper mayhem. Weaners would be split from the cows, cattle would be going everywhere, and the helicopter would be doing cartwheels trying to keep a semblance of order. Today I did the same paddock . . . . Mayhem was in my mind, but then I said, “No, I will ‘Bud’ them off by myself.” . . . These cattle actually walked off. The whole herd. Cows, calves, cows that have been pulled down by their calves (50% shrink) with big weaners on them, bulls, whatever. There wasn’t one animal that even got into a jog or trot. They just all marched away happy as Larry. All mothered up. In 15 thousand hours of mustering cattle with a helicopter, I think I have just started to actually muster cattle. At the next bore [watering point for cattle] I again “Budded” probably a thousand or so head straight into the holding paddock. It was a non-event. Thanks Bud and Eunice!
2002, Australia—I can’t convey to you what a relief it was to me to read your information on starting pups and working stock dogs. My grandfather taught me a lot about working dogs when I was a kid, and I loved it so much that I started breeding, training and selling pups by the time I was 16. I was eager to learn more and started trialling my dogs. I started learning more and more from people who trialled their dogs and gained more and more control over my dogs until I thought I was pretty good! At one stage I remember thinking that all this trialling was ruining my dogs but my trialling mates quickly convinced me otherwise, look how much control I had! We bought our own place about 18 months ago, a rough bit of dirt in the north western corner of NSW where the scrub is thick and the sheep are a bit mad. The first year was a nightmare, I couldn’t muster the stock, I couldn’t see them and my dogs couldn’t think for themselves. I can’t even begin to explain my frustration when a job I loved became something that was nothing short of a battle. Bit by bit I started to work out the problem and got off my dog’s backs and let them learn all over again. Now I’m back loving mustering rough sheep and feral goats in rough country and my dogs are so much happier and more confident.
2001, Texas—…I attended one of your schools in Midland a few years back and bought your video. Your ideas have helped me many times and I learn something else each time I see the video. Thank you for sharing with others. I’m sure happy you moved back to the USA and are still teaching others your methods of livestock handling…
2001, Saskatchewan—…Hardly a week (often a day) goes by that I don’t speak of or think about you…Between you and the Stockman Grass Farmer our lives seem to have been put into a pattern of constant change as we learn, relearn or unlearn ever so much…I was asked to speak to farmers at a Beef Symposium in Saskatoon, on using cattle behavior in the feedlot. I accepted, knowing it was you that should give it, not me, but they wanted someone other than Bud who was trying to implement some of his ideas…I enjoyed reading you and Temple Grandin discussing cattle handling in the Cattleman [magazine] and figured I better get my head straightened out if I’m off track. I’m glad you responded to Temple, because if you wouldn’t have, I would have been left confused – when I first read Temple’s article I thought either Bud isn’t going to like this or maybe I better get back up to VEE TEE and retake the course – either Bud has changed something or I missed something.
2001, Australia—…I attended your school in Launceston, Tasmania where we run 30,000 merino sheep with just one man. I have since expanded our business into North Queensland where we purchased a property with 2,500 Brahman cattle. You will be pleased that I applied your principles to wonderful effect both on stock and the stockmen! On delivery the property was mustered for the purpose of counting the stock. It took two helicopters and up to eight men in the yards to handle them over six days. The cost, $22,000. (brute force, might is right!). Two months later one stockman (that’s all I had time to train) and I mustered over 2,500 head for routine vaccination. It took us two weeks, including handling them through the yards and cost (including my time), $4,000. The challenge was considerable, we have around 74 square miles of heavily timbered “Gulf Savannah”. In good going it’s possible to see about 300 yards, in places it’s not possible to see 30 yards. These were reportedly “wild” cattle. They are actually very intelligent and respond well to good handling. I haven’t found the wild ones yet. Bud, thank you for sharing your wealth of experience and that priceless video footage to back up your well-considered principles.
2001, Australia—…I have found [the video] very useful to help correct some faults I have found creeping back into the way I handle livestock. I am continually amazed at how easy it is to get the cattle do the right thing if I am behaving and moving properly. My horses are becoming fat as I now have little need for them. And when I do we rarely go faster than a jog. Once again thank you for sharing with me (and the other Australians who attended your schools) the benefits of your observations and experience…
2000, Alberta—…It is the time of the year when I especially think of you. It is just over two weeks now since we separated the calves from their mothers and it always amazes me how each year we build on our success from the year before. The cattle handling we learned from you is really showing up in the calves now. We have calves who move slowly and properly and who, I think, have been taught from their mothers that they don’t have to be afraid of us. Not one animal even looks like it might be sick…Again, I can’t thank you enough for your insight into cattle behavior and handling and for being patient enough to teach us your secrets.
2000, Australia—…Jan is doing just fine with her “Budding.” Attending your school was really timely for us and our business and livestock. With having been in cells since mid 1993 and progressively becoming more intensive we were running or had run into some real issues with stress and animal behavior. The prime one was anxiety, with stock hanging at the water waiting for the next move just in case they missed out. We only had to start a bike and the mobs would be on the march and if you weren’t there they would do laps of the paddock or break out to a fresh paddock. It’s good now to see contented cattle and we are sure that the animal performance problem we were having was primarily due to this anxiety…We look on your trip out here and being able to attend your school as a once in a lifetime opportunity, and thank you for making the time and effort to come to Australia. We are about to have our first influx of new stock since you were here, and are quite excited at the prospect of getting them off to a good start…
2000, Australia—…We have been handling very large mobs of weaner cattle and rotating them around paddocks. 800 to 900 weaners have been the common size mobs that we now handle with 1 and sometimes 2 men…Last week my 10 year old son, an 18 year old trainee and myself mustered a 12,500 acre paddock and walked the 1393 weaner heifers home and into the stockyard without any trouble at all. Not only are the cattle a lot easier to muster but they are so content in the yards…We have noticed that the sale bullocks are far more settled in the yard prior to and during trucking. The last mob of grass fattened bullocks dressed 56% of their curfew weight which was very good because they usually only average around 54% dressed. We have more bullocks being killed over the next 2-weeks so I’ll monitor their results to see if their dressing percentage increases as well. These results may also be a positive gain from the low stress handling. We have also noticed that the weight gains seemed to have picked up on young weaners that have been handled by this method…
1999, Australia—…We’ve found it really beneficial moving young calves without mis-mothering through using your methods…
1999, Australia—…I feel that I have found the answer that I was looking for – how to handle stock, stress-free, for both the handler and stock. We have already been handling weaner calves over the last couple of weeks using the methods that I learnt at your school. The results have been excellent and I’m so excited because this will mean that it will be so rewarding handling stock in the future. Time management will be better and it will improve the overall economics of running livestock…I have been demonstrating your methods to my three staff on sheep, cattle and goats with good results.
1999, Australia—… [Your school] has really changed the way I view livestock problems and is a major advance in management…When we move sheep around now it is no longer a matter of resorting to whatever force is required so much as being an interactive mental challenge for us to do it in a quiet and cooperative way. You have given us a much better way of viewing, solving and avoiding problems…I am sure the adoption of your methods will not only result in less stress for both animals and humans but also mean less physical injury to both.
1999, Australia—…We did the school in Theodore and so enjoyed it. We came home and practiced the skills and of course they worked wonderfully. And if/when they don’t, I can say, “What am I doing wrong?” Like most good things in life, its principals are simple, but profound…
1999, Brazil—…Bud, you pinpointed the problem we were having with perfection. We went to Brazil in January and put in practice your recommendations and it worked very well. The people there are becoming more and more receptive to this new concept, especially when they realize that it is easier and safer. I came to the conclusion that the reason some people are so aggressive with cattle and horses, is because they are actually afraid of them. Your method of handling cattle gives a great deal of assurance to the handler, because he can predict how the animal is going to behave, in response to his own behavior…
1999, South Africa—… [I found this on an e-mail list] I rather expect we are all barking up the wrong tree regarding the noise, clanging gates, etc., which influence the ease with which animals are moved around a working facility. I was fortunate enough to attend a Bud Williams Stockmanship School in Colorado in 1992. In this school we were taught that the essence of stockmanship is the creation of an environment where the animal wants to go where you want him to go without being shouted at or beaten with a stick of sorts. It all revolves around your position relative to the comfort zone of the animal(s) concerned. In essence you can get animals to do what you want without so much as a word being said. This applies to the whole spectrum of animals including the wildest of the wild. Bud Williams maintains that noise is not a factor provided the animal can see the source of the noise. I know this sounds like a tall story, but I have been using these methods for the past few years and have taught my staff the principles. We now work all our animals, sheep, cattle, goats using these principles in the most primitive conditions. We are a long way from perfect, since to teach a cowboy that an animal will move without a “yeeehaaa” is quite difficult. I am convinced that the stress levels have been reduced, we now get the work done in half the time, with half the staff and very much less creative application of our language.
1999, Australia—…As soon as we got home I was able to practice on a cow that had jumped a fence, leaving a very young calf on the other side, but didn’t jump back to feed it. Working on your principals I was able (after a few attempts) to get the cow away from the calf, away from the other cattle and then stand at a gate while I opened it. We also successfully transferred some chooks (chickens) to another location in the same manner, we feel quite pleased with our efforts…
1999, Australia—…I have, since the course, put into practice what I was taught and it sure does work, even with my limited skill level.
1999, Australia—…It was great listening to you both at the school and I have applied many of Bud’s ideas already. And it has been incredible!
1999, Australia—…I went home and mustered 400 weaners by myself with my husband sitting on a 4-wheel bike watching in amazement. These weaners are excitable but I was amazed at how much control I had over them once I used the correct amount of pressure. Even to the point where I could effect individual animals in the herd and guide the leaders through the gate, when I was at least 1km away from them. My husband decided it was worth the $500 just to stop me swearing!! I had to move them over quite a distance and through a couple of gates…I will have to re-educate my horse because he likes to think he is a bulldozer when it comes to mustering and other people who use horses have had the same comments.
1999, Australia—…You have changed forever the way we move animals, and will also change our plans for handling facilities. Also I hope it influences Judy to be kinder and give fewer orders to her dog (me).
1999, Australia—…We have been working our sheep each day we have the opportunity with great success. We now have 3,000 sheep in one mob and are moving them on our own (only 1 of us goes out) without any problem at all…Handling the sheep in the yards has never been easier, with one drafting and one just pressuring enough so they trickle past and up the race. No noise or sticks have been necessary and we are doing it so easily. If only I had this understanding 20 years ago. We now find it strange when someone finds it necessary to make a lot of noise. We are crutching next week and I’m actually looking forward to doing the penning…
I had 5 cows that were very wild and could only manage to follow them from about 500 to 700 meters for two hours before they started to work for me. When I had finished with them they were feeding 20 meters away from my motorbike. I then thought about the gate, and walked them on through. Another instance took us 3 hours to get 3 cows that also were very wild from a paddock on their own and finally walk them into the yards. We never left one cow behind or let any cows not be yarded.
1999, Australia—…I know I still have a lot to learn, but it is good to see that my animals are quite happy to do what I want, as long as I let them. I’ve just saved a day’s work by driving 7 bulls out of a mob of 518 cows and calves, then driven them across a busy road and to their paddock. Before doing your school, I would have taken the whole mob across the road to the yards, taken out the bulls, than taken the cows and calves back across the road…
1999, Australia—…The day following our course I successfully moved a lone Angus bull from his favourite paddock to the yards on my own. While our cattle are gentle, I knew this fellow would stand his ground and face you from any distance – yet my rough interpretation of your methods did the trick. Herds have been simple with the 2 of us on foot or with Jan on her horse. Your course was the best 2-days learning we have ever had and thanks to both of you for making it so much fun to boot!
1999, Idaho—…I had a very good summer herding, only times that weren’t very good were when I had help that knew Bud Williams Herding didn’t work. The rancher I worked for said every time we work cattle “Boy we were sure lucky that time, we had no wrecks.” Turns out we were lucky all summer. They still couldn’t see what was happening with livestock handling the right way.
1998, Saskatchewan—…Thank you for sharing the knowledge you have earned, with others. I have learned so much from your methods. I now can do, by myself, what took 4 to 6 people to do before.
1998, Brazil—…What was so unique and wonderful in our stay with you was the reassurance that we got, not only from your enormous knowledge, but from your absolute, categorical certitude! We admired you for your professionalism, your teaching skills, and above all, the joy you have in your work…
1998, Oklahoma—…We handle about 7,000 to 10,000 calves per year and with using your techniques and some bunk management, our pull rate is averaging 7-10% with death losses under .5%. Your methods have proven to me to be very successful.
1998, Saskatchewan—…The weather this fall has been the wettest and sloppiest I ever recall for buying hi calves and getting them settled in the feed lot. Using the things I have picked up from you folks has certainly made this task a lot easier. It does my heart good to be in a pen of new fresh weaned calves shortly after arrival and see them all lined up at the bunk eating. We have not even used up a bottle of Liquamycin.
1997, Argentina—…After three dry years in a row we are having some more rainfall, which is a blessing after so much time tightening our belts in every sense. Nature is now so abundant that we can lean on her for a while. We’re shipping fat steers at a speed we had just forgotten, and receiving twice as many calves and stockers. We are very happy to see that our handling improves every time we unload new stock, there are no hurt animals, they begin to graze almost immediately, they learn to respect the electrified fence in a few hours, and, most important, they begin to gain weight from the first day. Last year we didn’t lose a single calf, which fills us with pride. We still lost 9 long yearlings, mostly to poisoning, but this is a far cry from what we used to consider normal (2-3%, instead of current 0.4%). And we are aware that those animals didn’t die, we killed them one way or another. That’s one of Bud’s great lessons…
1996, Argentina—…The best thing with your teachings is how pleasant our work with cattle has come to be. I remember the old days when chute days were a drag, with men, horses and cattle getting stressed and hurt as something normal…Our two cowboys didn’t believe at the beginning, but now they always come up with some new application of your ideas. Last week our foreman told me that one of the herds had too much horn flies, but said it wasn’t necessary to put them through the chute since he thought he could pour the thing on horseback, while shifting paddocks. And he made it! So now we are thinking about using a spot-on dewormer in winter, even on a selective basis instead of hauling all the herd through corrals and chutes under adverse weather.
1996, Alberta—…After taking your course I have become a near expert cattle handler compared to my previous methods…I was planning on buying a tub and chute system but after taking your course I put together some panels and alley spreaders that I already had and it works just fine. We herd cattle using horses, bikes and on foot – what ever the situation calls for. Every time we handle these critters we are handling them quietly with almost no stress. There are times I would not have believed we could pull off what we were attempting to do and get it done the first time.
I love my cattle and now I really enjoy handling them. Thank you.
1996, Montana—…Thank you for taking the time and trouble to teach some of us your hard earned methods. I plan to see you at future seminars so that I may continue to sharpen my feeble skills with livestock. It’s taken me 40 years to learn the wrong way. I hope the Lord gives us both enough years for me to learn a better way.
1996, Montana—The reason I’m writing this letter is to thank you and I mean thank you very. The things you taught me have helped me and made my job so much easier it’s just plum-dang amazing. The last thing you told me that day up the creek was learn to let the cows go where they want to get your movement started. Well, I finally got it thru my thick head what you meant. I finally realized, even if it’s a little farther to walk, it’s easier than forcing them the short way if you’re having trouble.
John and I gathered 1800 head off about 40 sections in 8 days. We had trouble one day, but mostly we just rolled right along. One day we had 350 2 yr. old pairs and pushed them thru 1/2 mile of green standing alfalfa with no trouble hardly at all. The guys at the feedlot said the cattle handled and weaned easier than ever…
1996, California—…Since we have been using Bud’s techniques and principles on our ranch, we have greatly reduced the stress involved in moving, sorting, processing, and shipping our cattle. The reduced cost of labor, medicine, weaning expenses, death loss, and shrink has been considerable. For example, this year, by using what we have learned from Bud, we were able to wean 400 calves right out in big pastures, never having to bring the cattle to the corral. The weaned calves never bawled or walked the fence, and never went off their feed. As a result of this low stress weaning, not a single one of these calves got sick, and all continued to gain weight right through weaning. This year we weaned a total of 800 calves, and received 300 purchased calves. We only had to doctor three calves with no death loss. I would estimate our savings in weaning feed costs and reduced labor, medicine and vaccine costs for this year alone to be $6000. The value of our increased performance is not as easily quantifiable, but I would guess it is at least as much.
Our use of Bud’s methods has also begun to re-establish a herding instinct in our cowherd, allowing us to handle large numbers of cattle with very little help. I handle herds of 400-500 head with only the help of my two dogs. (Using Bud’s methods have helped me tremendously in using dogs to herd stock, I never had a good cattle dog until I began learning from Bud, now they’re all good). The reestablishment of the herding instinct not only makes it possible to handle cattle without stress, it also facilitates the use of intensive planned grazing on our ranch…
The financial return for our ranch has been phenomenal, though I feel that the greatest benefit has been that it is an absolute joy and pleasure for all the members of our family to work together handling cattle.
1995, California—Sorry we missed you in March, but we were on a speaking tour in Australia (Victoria and West Australia). While there we visited a farmer friend who had been over here last year. I had given him some “Bud stuff” and he passed it on to his neighbor. He said his neighbor used to have a stampede every time he worked his stock. He hasn’t had one in over a year by applying what little information we passed on to them. You are making a difference!…
1995, New Mexico—…We attended your course at the Lasater Ranch in June of 1994. It was without a doubt one of the most valuable things we’ve done since hiring on as managers of this ranch. We came here to find waiting for us a herd of 400 wild Barzona cattle which had been cowboyed (aggressively) all their lives. As a result of applying your handling methods, we now have a herd of cattle we can walk through on foot. They respect electric fence 100%. They drive wonderfully and work pretty well in the corrals. The things we’ve been able to accomplish with them have been amazing…
1995, Oklahoma—…I recently attended a stock handling school you put on in Ft. Cobb, Oklahoma. I started working on your methods as soon as I got home. First with our 500 ewes, and then with our yearling calves. I use it daily and am truly amazed with the ease that I can move, sort and catch our livestock. I had 13 head of 800# steers get in with 180 head of the neighbor’s heifers. Using a 3-wheeler, I sorted out my 13 head and had them on the road home in less than 45 minutes. Before I knew of your method I would have set up a corral and sorted them off with a tremendous amount of work and time…
1995, Nebraska—…I attended your school in Lusk, WY. I am writing to tell you thanks and to brag a little…Our steer calves were 50 pounds heavier than the next best group. I tell the manager that I believe the reason is the way they were handled. Our cows had a 2% better preg. rate than the next best. I believe this is right because the genetics, climate and grass were all very much the same…
1995, Texas—…I have had such great success with my cattle, especially this past spring and fall, so I have you two to thank…Getting them to walk straight to the feed is really important and not too easy at first…Anyway I had a ball with my calves. I can walk them straight or in a circle – anywhere!…I could go on, but almost daily I could relate an experience which involves your way — Actually it’s not your way; it’s the best I can do with your way! But Bud, even if you’re not exactly right, the cows seem to forgive you and they try too.
1995, Argentina—…I’ve been thinking almost daily about you since I left your place. When it wasn’t because of working on the transcription of tapes and correction of notes I took during the school, it was while working with the cattle at the ranch or just when thinking about the meaning of life. I don’t consider myself a naive person, someone that can be amazed by anybody. Well, I’m still amazed at what I was taught by you. I went to Lloydminster for a cattle-handling course, and came back with a bonus bigger than the original prize, a living lesson on philosophy. A few days after I was at the Lasater Ranch where I met old Tom and Dale. After seeing what they’ve done and reading Laurie’s book I understand why Tom Lasater was the only person Bud talked about admiratively. As it is the case with Bud’s lessons, maybe people stare at Beefmasters and fail to see the mindset, which is the key.
1994, Manitoba—…The school was great, the people were great, the hospitality was great. I found out that this stuff works on my cattle if you do it even half way right…
1994, California—…The highest priced dog at Red Bluff sold for $200.00 less than the champion Hereford bull. $4,800 I believe. The sad truth is that I don’t believe there was a dog there that was as good as most of the dogs you had here. Certainly nowhere as good as the better ones…
1994, Wyoming—…I’ve come home a lot of nights and told my wife “Bud would be ashamed of me today”. However, there have been a few days when I told her “Bud might have been proud of me, today.” More typical is “This stuff I learned from Bud really comes in handy”…
1994, Wyoming—…I used to despise weighing and sorting fat hogs for market making it a very stressful time for both man and animal. Even though Bud’s techniques are primarily for cattle, they work well in the tight working conditions of a hog confinement barn. The use of Bud’s ideas and suggestions on how to better use our facilities has saved us time and money.
1994, Argentina—…Mr. Williams’ ideas have been very useful for us…Moreover, it has brought us a lot of fun while working with our stockers which used to be just blood, sweat and tears. We deal with half-brahman stockers and regardless of our care, they used to get stressed and gave us much trouble. Now, it’s quite a pleasure for me to walk them into the chute (and watch them walk out and immediately begin to graze)…It’s a pity that Mr. Williams’ ideas haven’t got more diffusion. Myself, I consider them quite superior to others I’ve known…
1994, Alberta—…My son Tom took your course…His cousin had 4 new animals get away from his herd. They roamed the country for a week or more and were put in our pasture. We couldn’t get around them to shut a gate when they came in to drink. Tom went out one day, cut them out and brought them in and put them in the corral. Was pretty pleased with himself.
1994, Zimbabwe, Africa—…Cows calving at a good pace, but my “friends” the leopard and cheetah still trying and in some cases causing havoc with new born calves. Still pursuing with your principals of handling cattle with the emphasis on reestablishing the herd instinct as you did with the sheep at Joe & Dalton’s. The leopard and cheetah very much more aggressive. They will pull down an 8-10 month animal. Having good success with some herds, but it is now dependent on the commitment of the herdsmen with each herd. Thus the varied results. I hope to put the results on paper. But none of this would have happened if we had not met you both…Certainly my brief exposure to you Bud, has been a real turning point for me…
1993, Kansas—This is a letter of enthusiastic THANKS. I was at your one day seminar in South Hutchinson, Kansas in August. I left the seminar feeling a little bit fuzzy about when I was supposed to do this and that and why and where, but I felt I had a good grasp of the main herding techniques that Bud was explaining. I figured by knowing the techniques the cows will tell me the when, where and why. All I needed to do was keep my eyes and head up and everything would fall into place with experience and time. I did not realize the experience part of the program was going to start the next morning. My calves had gotten out of the paddock and into the grazing cell when I was at the seminar. I decided to leave them in the cell that night so then I would not be in a hurry to get them in. This meant I had no help from my girl friend plus I decided not to try to coax them back into the paddock with grain. Well I had all of the calves back into the paddock probably with 2 minutes. Needless to say that was record breaking time even with 3 people helping and coaxing half of them in first with grain. I became so excited by this I decided to move them back into the cell from the paddock just to do it again. It worked so easily that I moved them from pen to pen 4 times that morning within the 1st hour just to use your techniques. Now I wish my heifers would get out of the pasture and into my neighbors yard so I can see how quick I can get them back in. Last time it took two and a half hours…This helps put the joy back into herding again.
P.S. Now I know why my cows always went to the pond!
1993, California—I took Bud’s course this winter…since then I have shown my son as much stockmanship as I could remember and we have been “Budding” the cows ever since. It is just wonderful to not worry about breakaways and misbehavior, because most of the time you can easily and quietly nip it at the earliest indication. Occasionally I haven’t been able to stop the neighbors from “helping” us move the cows and the increase in human and bovine noise is incredible, and the herd takes quite a bit longer to settle down again. Great stuff. Thanks again!
1993, Nebraska—By now your are off to other schools and heading back to Canada, your mind a blur with all the people you have met. I am sure that no way will you be able to remember all of us, but I want you to know we will remember you. I will never again be able to handle cattle or any animal with out thinking of the things you have introduced us to. Dwight and I talked most of the 5 hour drive home about your methods. The next morning we practiced on my herd of 370 head of pairs (we move every 1-4 days) then we started watching the video. WOW! The light bulbs started coming on – the principles started becoming much more clear…Thank you for yours years of self teaching, for giving of yourself to teach us, to thank you for your patience, persistence and great humor…The school was a wonderful learning experience and great fun. Thank you.
1993, Wyoming—…I would like to add that your school was excellent. I can not remember a time when I have been able to sit still for such a long period of time. I was fascinated by your techniques on herding cattle. I brought the excitement back with me to the ranch and I got quite a few skeptic looks from the older cowboys. I am trying herding with our cattle and have had some success. I hope that I will be able to attend your school in Canada some day. Again thank you.
1993, Alberta—I just want to drop a note to you telling you how smoothly weaning went this year. The cows and the calves worked beautifully through the chutes but the really significant changes were taking the cows away to their winter pasture with such a minimum of hassle that neighbors couldn’t believe we had just weaned. We moved the cows right away and this year there was almost no bawling. We had Mark follow the calves from the corrals after we had vaccinated and weighed. These were batches of about 100 at a time & by the time we had another batch ready he had settled the one before. It was quiet the first night and we had none walking the fence line. It was so satisfying to look out my kitchen window & see contented calves munching grass or just sleeping. We have only treated 5 for sickness…Thanks again for your wisdom and we still have more to learn so we hope to be back.
1993, South Africa—…What I learned there has made a huge difference to me and my livestock handling. I have managed quite well with my cattle, but still battle quite a bit when it come to sheep…Back here in South Africa there has been an enormous amount of interest in your work…I don’t know if you would ever consider coming over to South Africa, but I can assure you the demand for your courses would be very high.
1992, Wyoming—I just wanted to thank you for showing us what you have learned. Now that I am home and using it on our cattle it’s sure easier for me. The only problem is my brother does not think it is the cowboy way so I get a lot more done by myself than when I have help. Some of the neighbors are interested in it though and ask me to show them what I learned. I settled the calves when we weaned and so far we have only doctored about 1/4 of what we normally do. Thanks again…
1992, Wyoming—We really enjoyed our trip to Canada and the school you put on. Curt uses it every day with his calves he buys from the sale barn. We also have had much success weaning at the in-laws. Over 400 head of calves and only doctored 2. At the Atchison’s (Patty’s mom) they have busted out of corrals for years – not this year. We had them eating out of bunks immediately and turned out in pasture in 3 days!!
1992, Wyoming—I’d like to thank you for all the help you’ve given us. I think about you folks every day and the things that you’ve showed me has helped me work stock…What’s really important is to tell you now much I appreciate all your help in the past and that I’d like to work with you as much as possible in the future. So, please let me know whenever you think we can get together again.
1992, New Mexico—Thank you for sending me a copy of Bud’s video. I have only seen about half of it but I have learned well over a hundred dollars worth…
1992, Wyoming—I am pleased to report an improvement in my stock handling abilities as a result of trying to implement the principles I learned from your video. Although still in my infancy and still experiencing ample problems & frustrations, I can see a lot of benefit already. For example I artificially inseminated 167 cows and heifers the last of June and first of July. I have never before been able to do this task so calmly. It’s got to improve my conception rate. It’s reduced the stress on me already. After leaving the corral most of the cows would leave in search of their calves, but the heifers would usually just begin grazing right outside the corral. I observed one heifer 15 minutes after being turned out grazing 10′ outside the corral.
1991, Wyoming—Enjoy your articles in the Stockman Grass Farmer and other journals and magazines. I have tried your way of handling livestock and even though I’m not very good at it yet, it sure beats the hell out of the way I used to do it…
1991, Texas—I really enjoyed your presentation at the Grazing Conference. I have used some of the techniques you taught and I have been pleased at the way cattle can be controlled by the position I am in.
1991, British Columbia—Just a short note to thank you for your incredible video. You should be proud of your self for developing such a unique technique. It really works! I can handle the deer after watching it and I really think it is worth the $. May your adventures in the future continue to be as successful.
1991, California—I appreciate the time you spent working with me last fall. I realize a lot of what you presented was new to me, as I was able to retain but a little part of it. My approach to handling livestock has changed and I am better to be around when working livestock. At times there is a lot of frustration knowing the cow isn’t messing me up, but rather I am not in the right place. I’ve spent a lot of time blaming other people, cattle, the weather and all other things external to myself for why things were not going to my benefit. It never really occurred to me that I was the one jamming up the works. I appreciate the changed perspective.
1991, Zimbabwe, Africa—As I work the cattle here, I think of you both daily and realize that it was a real treat and a turning point in my life. I never realized the depth of animal behavior that humans don’t know or are even aware of. I learnt more from you two on handling livestock in those few days than I have ever learnt on my own. I am fortunate to have what I class some of the finest African stockmen in the country. It was such a rewarding experience trying to teach them some of your basic principles and techniques. I am working with them to “reteach” the cows the herd instinct so as to give the calves better protection against vermin. Exactly what you did with Joe’s sheep. It worked somewhat, but I am not all that satisfied.
The calves have been weaned. The new crop is due to start dropping October through December and I will try again…The trip to the US was so fantastic. I really miss you two.
NOTE: They have many predators including lion, leopard, cheetah, hyena and wild dogs that are so bad that they had to keep the calves in the corral all the time. Herders would take the cows out to graze. The last we heard from them they have the cattle staying bunched up better and they are able to leave the calves with the cows.
1990, Texas—…I am getting along pretty good with the cattle. I hope that you knew I would…What you taught me I can never pay you for. Only that I can teach my kids and anyone I can what I know. And if they learn nothing else maybe they can learn a few things that I know. Treat animals like you would want to be treated yourself. Don’t cheat the animals and teach the animals that they can trust you. Thank you Bud.
1990, Kentucky—…I get the Stockman Grass Farmer once a month and read Bud’s article right away. I can picture him telling me the things he writes about. It is like getting a letter from him every month. I am sure thankful God put you and Bud down by me in the middle of nowhere to teach me the things I know now.
1990, Texas—Your presentation at the conference was one of the most interesting and impressive I have ever attended in 40 years of group learning experiences. What you do with animals is very impressive to anyone involved in livestock. Even more impressive to me is the observation and creative thought you all have put into learning the most effective way to handle animals.
Most of us haven’t learned much about animal behavior through the years; just how to make those “dumb cows” do it my way.
Congratulations on a lifetime of learning and achievement and thanks for passing some on to others.
1989, California—Wonder of wonders! I met Sue and Doug Shackelford at a grasslands conference at Umpqua Community College at Roseburg last Saturday. I was the keynote speaker on grazing management. I told them that there were two men – Ron Kilgour of New Zealand and Bud Williams of the U.S. who were leaders, never dreaming that Sue and Doug were anywhere near. We met at lunch and what a job you two did raising Sue. She is a wonderful mixture of both of you. Doug is completely supportive of her and you…Ralph and Cathy Rittenhouse proved and stated that their method of handling their cattle increased production plus produced a tender beef. They both spoke in front of the audience of commercial and organic cattlemen. Bud Williams’ method was their credit line. They both said that you taught them, Bud. These happenings, Sue & Doug, Cathy & Ralph Rittenhouse and the skill and perceptions that you share with those of us who care is wonderful. Harold Hunt was at Roseburg too. He echoed our feelings at coffee breaks. Your skills are special and spreading, Bud…Both Eunice and you have shared so much with those of us who are lucky enough to know you. I suspect that our animals know somehow the care you teach and if there is a pasture somewhere in which we meet them, that the friendships will say “Thank you Bud, thank you Eunice.”
You are gifted,
Thank you Bud – Thank you Eunice
1979, California—I wanted to write and tell you about a man that spoke to the cattlemen yesterday. His name is Allen Savory. He is from Rhodesia and is a ranch consultant. He is doing some work for McBrides so Andy got him to speak to the cattlemen. His ideas are much the same as yours Bud, as far as pasture management (lots of cattle for a short period of time in a pasture). He is very critical about the way the Americans handle cattle. He said that if a man used a whip or rope on his ranch he would fire him. He believes the only way to handle cattle is the gentle way. The only difference between the two of you Bud, is that he charges for his information and people listen to what he has to say. Rod Shippey, Jack & Pat Brown were at the meeting and told me how much good they are getting out of the things you taught them. So all the time you spent with people like us has really helped us and I feel put us a step ahead of some of the others.