Bud Williams Stockmanship and Livestock Marketing

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Bud Williams Stockmanship
Eunice Williams
883 E 505th Road
Aldrich, MO 65601

One-on-One in New Mexico

Bud and I spent 2-days at the Vermejo Park Ranch in New Mexico in late May. Several people from the Ranch had attended one of the March Stockmanship Schools here in Bowie. Their goal is to be able to get the bison to better utilize the range and be willing to stay where they are “placed.”

We don’t usually do “One-on-One’s” away from home anymore, but Bud made an exception in this case. The nearly 600,000 acre ranch is primarily used for wildlife habitat and taking in Hunting and Fishing guests. The facilities are fantastic, and the food is even better. We were pleased with what the crew and the Bison learned in the short time that we were there. We have every confidence that they will be able to reach their goal.

Bud and the Vermejo Park Bison Crew

Bud taking a couple of the crew out to work the bison

Walk parallel to slow the movement down