Following are excerpts from a letter that we just received from Grahame Rees. Grahame is the “R” in KLR Marketing. He, Rod “K”night and Jim “L”indsay are teaching Bud’s Marketing principals in Australia. Many of you folks met Grahame when he was visiting us last year.
. . . . I am finally home for a little bit after travelling running schools. It has been an interesting time seeing many come along to learn everything they can, whilst others want a silver bullet and almost want you to tell them they are doing it right already. They will never change. . . . There are more breeders coming along and so we have developed more breeder examples. In many business’s the basic herd management is quite poor with low calving % and too high a costs. I am going to Write an article titled “ Why high prices can send you broke !” not sure it will go down too well but that is ok. It seems as soon as prices go up people spend more money, much of it long term commitments and then when prices fall those costs remain. Queensland has been devalued by the banks by 32% (where it should be) which means many will be challenged.
After each school we run a mastermind day where about 10 – 20 members of our mastermind group will attend. These days show how well some people are doing and who is still struggling.
Know and Understand yourself is always the biggest challenge, but if they get through that one, the sky is the limit. Here are a couple stories from those days :
. . . . John shared how he stopped doing things that were not making money like spraying weeds or fixing fences and focused more of his time on marketing. One guy stood up, angry saying “no weed gets out of place on his farm and no fence is going to be neglected.” I was considering how I was going to pacify him when John said “Well, since using KLR I make enough money to pay a contractor to do those things so I can focus on the most important parts of my business”
There were 3 guys who traded the same sheep and made a profit.
1st guy bought dry ewes and joined them to the Ram
He sold them scanned in lamb to the 2nd guy
Who then sold them a short while later to the 3rd guy to lamb out.
It was only after the event did they all know they passed through 3 KLR guys but they all made a profit on the way through.
. . . . I host a discussion call every Wednesday night and I get everyone on the call to share their results challenges and questions. She shared 1 night how she had sold some heifers for $2.40/ kg and managed to replace them with same weight hfrs for $.192. The agent called on the way home and said he needed more so she let him have those before they came off the truck for $2.40. Someone said to her “That doesn’t happen every day – she came back with no you are right but I am there every day and when it does they are mine”