I just finished reading everything on the subscription pages. The subscription would be a bargain at twice what you want to charge. I hope you can type as fast as Bud can ramble.
I just finished reading everything on the subscription pages. The subscription would be a bargain at twice what you want to charge. I hope you can type as fast as Bud can ramble.
. . . My oldest boy Lance met Bud at Cheyenne school and is now insisting that I attend also. Yesterday we caught 40 head of heifers and sorted out 4 head for pink eye in what had to be one of the most enjoyable days that I recall of
. . . At the last school I attended Bud mentioned using a sharper angle when working with gentle cattle. On Monday after the school I moved a set of very gentle cows ( almost no flight zone). I approached the cows at a very sharp angle and only moved
My husband . . . and I recently attended your course in Bowie. I hadn’t had a chance to write to you to let you know how much we enjoyed it, I have not ever felt more positive, de-stressed and enthusiastic about our ranching situation . . . Well last
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