I Recommend Hand ‘n Hand Livestock Solutions
I’m happy to recommend the Stockmanship and Marketing schools Tina, our daughter, and her husband, Richard McConnell are now putting on. Visit their webpage at Hand ‘n Hand Livestock Solutions
I’m happy to recommend the Stockmanship and Marketing schools Tina, our daughter, and her husband, Richard McConnell are now putting on. Visit their webpage at Hand ‘n Hand Livestock Solutions
Sorry, we won’t be putting on anymore schools, but you can still learn from Bud with the DVD sets on Stockmanship and Marketing that we have for sale. To find out more, click on the “DVDs for Sale” button.
Though the DVD set that we sell has only about a half-hour of video of people actually working livestock (the rest of the time I am talking and diagramming on the black board), at our 2-day Stockmanship Schools we are showing video of working livestock over half of the time.
At our Marketing School you will learn the advantages of Sell-Buy marketing which gives you your profit at the time that you replace your inventory so you “know” that you are trading at a profit as opposed to Buy-Sell marketing where you can only “hope” that your animals will be
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