Bud Williams Stockmanship and Livestock Marketing

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Bud Williams Stockmanship
Eunice Williams
883 E 505th Road
Aldrich, MO 65601

Category: Stockdogs

Dog Will Stop the Sheep, But Won’t Drive

Question: . . . .I have read all of the info you have posted on the net. And I’m trying to use that to start the Collie (Sneak) she is about 12 months old.   The problem is she will not drive the sheep. If they run she is right on

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Where are the “Fourlegged Chainsaws”

Question: . . . . Seems as if you are answering a lot of questions about training Stockdogs and you seem to be very knowledgeable as to training techniques and different Cowdog-breeds, so I was hoping you could maybe shed some light on an issue that has been bugging me

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Pup is Over-Working (more)

Question: . . . . On the goat issue, I probably out thought myself and listened to one of my neighbors a bit to much. I was walking to get the calves to gather and bring back to the pen, I had let the dog out and he was just

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Pup is Over-Working

  Question: . . . . was playing with our pup last night, we have three goats to let him mess with, he really wants to go get them and bring them to us but gets over excited and I am sure that we are doing something wrong. He pushes

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Questions About Stockdogs (more)

We often get questions or comments about working dogs. Most of the questions are not about dogs, but about some dogs doing things the person doesn’t like. What is strange about this is that the questions should really be about people as they are the problem or the solution. If

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Questions About Stockdogs

Question: . . . .so my first question. I am interested in getting a stock dog. A neighbor . . . . . who has taken your class before and holds you in high regard is helping me with the process a bit and has lent me your dog VHS

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Stockdog Journal

Bud will be writing some articles for The Stockdog Journal.  These will be reminisces of some of the dogs we have owned or worked over our lifetime.  You can find more information about this magazine on their website at  www.stockdogjournal.com.

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On-going Dog Correspondence (more added 4/5/2012)

To: Eunice@stockmanship.com Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 2:33 PM Good morning Bud and Eunice;  . . . . . I have been using the dvds that i have got from you to handle my cattle. It works so well that my cows walk every where they go now and will

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Dogs are Leaving Cattle

Question: . . . We are having a open winter so far and are still grazing. I have been just turning the cows out every morning on about 600 acres of stubble and grass and having the dogs gather them up and pen them for night. You will soon sense

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Sheepdog Trial Pens

I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciated your help adjusting my set out pen for my sheepdog trial. (I had sent you the drawing and you returned it with the gates and pens in the right places.) We couldn’t get it exactly but were able to set

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