I just finished reading everything on the subscription pages. The subscription would be a bargain at twice what you want to charge. I hope you can type as fast as Bud can ramble.
I just finished reading everything on the subscription pages. The subscription would be a bargain at twice what you want to charge. I hope you can type as fast as Bud can ramble.
. . . My oldest boy Lance met Bud at Cheyenne school and is now insisting that I attend also. Yesterday we caught 40 head of heifers and sorted out 4 head for pink eye in what had to be one of the most enjoyable days that I recall of
. . . At the last school I attended Bud mentioned using a sharper angle when working with gentle cattle. On Monday after the school I moved a set of very gentle cows ( almost no flight zone). I approached the cows at a very sharp angle and only moved
My husband . . . and I recently attended your course in Bowie. I hadn’t had a chance to write to you to let you know how much we enjoyed it, I have not ever felt more positive, de-stressed and enthusiastic about our ranching situation . . . Well last
I was just asked what influenced or what helped me develop the marketing philosophy that I practice. At the schools I try to tell stories that can help people understand better what is being explained. These stories are all true but people don’t always remember them exactly the way they
Bud and I really enjoyed having Megan and Will Banks visit us for a One-on-One here at Bowie. We met their parents when we were in Australia in 2002. We usually hold these meetings out in the class-room, but Bud wanted to keep an eye on his DTN machine this
We enjoyed the day with the Bud Williams marketing discussion group meeting at Jack and Lori Martin’s near Independence, Kansas on July 11.
There are many people teaching but only a very few understand what it takes to be a really good teacher. First, the person must understand the subject thoroughly, know how it works and also how it fits with other parts of the subject that is being taught. Most teachers of
Hello Eunice and Bud, you probably don’t remember me, I was part of a Cattle Handling School back in 2000 at Grant County Feeders in Ulysses, KS. I was the Head Doctor back then, since that time I have been using Bud’s techniques handling cattle in US and in Mexico
Bud and I spent 2-days at the Vermejo Park Ranch in New Mexico in late May. Several people from the Ranch had attended one of the March Stockmanship Schools here in Bowie. Their goal is to be able to get the bison to better utilize the range and be willing
Copyright © 2025 Bud Williams Stockmanship; All Rights Reserved