I have long held out on accepting credit cards. However, I do understand some people would really like this option, and it’s especially helpful for international orders. So, I will now accept payments using PayPal. Because PayPal has an approx. 4.5% service charge, I will charge you for this convenience.
Charge when paying with a check to ship to U.S. address
Charge if you pay using PayPal*
5-hour Stockmanship DVD set
2-hour Starting a Colt DVD set
18-hour Stockmanship Plus video on external hard drive
Access to our Subscription Website
“Proper Livestock Marketing 101” book
“Smile and Mean it” book
“Stockdogs: Partners and Friends” book and DVD
“Bud’s Musings” book
*There will be additional shipping charges for orders outside of the U.S. and also there will be sales tax for items shipped to Missouri addresses. We will have options on the PayPal page so you can make those payments there.
If you would like to pay using PayPal, please fill out the form below first! Then you will automatically be taken to the page to make your PayPal order and payment.
If you changed your mind and would rather write a check, click here for that information.